Paws and Purpose: Nurturing Our Corporate Friendship with Dogs Trust


At Kinetica, our commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond the boardroom and int...

Katie Wright

By Katie Wright

At Kinetica, our commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond the boardroom and into the hearts of our team, both human and furry. We're proud to announce our corporate friendship with the Dogs Trust, a testament to our belief in giving back to the community and creating a better world.

At the heart of our corporate social responsibility lies a genuine passion for animal welfare, and our partnership with the Dogs Trust reflects this commitment. The Dogs Trust, the largest dog welfare charity in the UK, shares our dedication to providing a better life for dogs, and we are excited to contribute to their commendable cause.

We believe in making a tangible difference, and one way we do this is through various fundraising events. Our recent Halloween Pumpkin Carving Competition was an incredible success, bringing employees together in a creative and fun-filled atmosphere while raising funds for our four-legged friends. The carved pumpkins not only showcased our team's artistic talents but also symbolised the light we aim to bring into the lives of animals in need.

Another exciting initiative was the Crystal Maze Company Day Out. This team-building adventure not only fostered camaraderie among our staff but also served as an opportunity to raise awareness and funds for Dogs Trust. Our commitment to the cause was evident as employees navigated challenges, solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles.

Our dedication to Dogs Trust doesn't stop here. We are continually exploring new and creative ways to support the charity. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events, these initiatives not only strengthen our team spirit but also contribute to a cause close to our hearts.

At Kinetica, our corporate friendship with Dogs Trust is more than just a partnership, through our fundraising events, volunteering efforts, and future initiatives, we aim to champion the cause of animal welfare, one paw print at a time.

#TheDogsTrust #Kinetica #ChampioningCharity #Fundraising #GivingBack

  • +44 (0)113 261 71 81
  • Floor 13, Whitehall Waterfront 2 Riverside Way Leeds LS1 4EH
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